Partner With Us

We’ve all had dreams of flying. Whether it be over oceans or above cities, we soon wake up and realise it was just a dream. Thanks to a generous donation from Adventure Flight Training, a group of nine young people were literally ‘Living the dream’ as the slogan says on the flight school’s website.

For a few of the participants, this was their first time being in a plane. The nerves and hesitation to fly were soon overcome with joy and an adrenaline rush as the pilots took one up at a time for a fly. One participant was in awe and couldn’t hide his excitement, before, during and after the flying! All we heard the whole day was “THIS IS AMAZING” and “I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M DOING THIS”! (X100).

The Open House youth team were so pleased to reunite with past participants and share in this moment. The team would like to give a huge thanks and shout out to Josh Kamal (a.k.a. Camel) and his team of pilots at  Adventure Flight Training for their time and generosity to the group.

– Steve Marks | Youth Manager

How you can help

Open House is currently in need of volunteers for the following programs:

  • Team member to help run Backyard Sports in local parks
  • Friends of Open House to organise community events
  • Someone with carpentry/practical skills for the Youth Workshop Mentoring Program
  • Someone who enjoys cooking for Tuesdays meal
  • Person who enjoys gardening to be involved with our Garden Club
  • Person with knowledge of bike maintenance for our Bike Hut

How to get started


Contact Open House via any of the following channels:

  • Online expression of interest form
  • (03) 9450 7600


Our volunteer coordinator will contact you and arrange an interview to discuss what volunteer opportunities are available that match your interests, skills, and availability. They’ll also ask you to complete the necessary paperwork, including a police check application.


On successfully completing the above, you will be invited to attend necessary training. Once you finish your training, you’re finally ready to commence your new role.

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