Paul Burgess


MA (Applied Theology, Family Youth and Community Work)


Over 25 years of experience in ministry to those on the fringe of society working for Churches, Not For Profits and Councils both in the UK and Australia.


I love working for Open House and I am excited for the future. In my role at Open House I get to use the many skills & experiences that I have gathered from my previous roles. I find it very interesting to look back at my life and see how what seemed liked isolated projects then were in fact coming together for my role here at Open House. I firmly believe this is God’s plan for my life.

I feel very privileged to be leading such a fantastic organisation that gives so much to the community. So, what are my hopes for Open House? Simply that Open House will continue to serve the local community both in supportive and practical ways and that more projects will be developed to serve the real needs of those living in the community and that in another 50 years Open House will still be a light in the darkness.



In my downtime, I like to keep fit mainly by running. I also enjoy volunteering both as a running coach at my boy’s school and as a Race Director at Warringal Parkrun.